Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 16

 Someone that's not in my state/country.

TMT WEI RONG- I've been gone for so long, and I've written so many things for you that I'm sure you know all that I have to say. But, I still feel like I could have all of the time in the world to type things and say things to you, but it will never be enough. You in person is so much better. It's been so long since you've been here, and we've both honestly changed so much. We used to have to talk to each other every single day... now we hardly talk at all. I hate it. You were everything. My best friend, my strength, and you even protected me against Jav (: hahaha. I couldn't have asked for anything more out of a person. I remember the day you left. I saw you get in your car, and I just started crying. I lost all control of everything. I cried so hard for so long that I remember waking up and asking myself if I had dreamt it all up. The next few weeks were terrible. I felt like I had lost so much, and everytime I needed to talk, I would just cry. People say that they were upset that you left, and that you and them were so close, but there isn't a single person who went through what I did. Only you and I know how that truly felt. We were each other's best friend. That's all there is to it. Just another move, ripping two people away from each other.

I miss you TWR. More than you can ever understand.

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